Simple Basic audio amplifier with BC547 Amplifier


In this article, we are going to discuss a simple audio amplifier circuit with a BC547 transistor. Here you will find the full schematics and other more information. So with that being said let’s start our article.

Needed Components:

  • BC547
  • 5MM LED
  • 10k Resistor
  • 100k Potentiometer

Tools Needed:

  • Soldering Iron
  • Iron Stand
  • Nose Pliers
  • Flux

Schematics of simple Basic audio amplifier circuit:

This is the Schematics of the Circuit Diagram of the Audio amplifier with the BC547 transistor.


Simple Basic audio amplifier with BC547 Amplifier

How does the Basic audio amplifier Circuit work?

This circuit works on the basic principles of the NPN transistors. The low amplitude Audio signal goes into the base of the transistor.

Then the signal flows through the transistor’s collector to the emitter, as a result, the current will flow then the base gets a signal.

A capacitor is connected in series with the base. This capacitor is used to smooth out the higher frequencies of the audio signal. (The signal which is coming from an audio signal)

Then this signal amplifies through the transistor’s collector pin.



The circuit is experimental only. It is not for practical usage. If you run a long time the circuit then the transistor will heat up quite a lot. As a result, the transistor may be damaged.

The efficiency of these types of amplifiers is very low. So, you can’t use thin in practical cases. Make sure that Polarity is right otherwise the transistor will be instantly damaged.

You can run any 4 Ohm speakers easily.

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